MOAC General Information Catalog —Section 1

MOAC Autonomous Community
2 min readOct 30, 2021

Basic Information:

1. What is MOAC?

MOAC is the third generation of blockchain technology developed by Silicon Valley IT experts. Official site :

2. Who is the founder of MOAC?

Mr. Zhou Sha, Mr. Chen Xiaohu.

3. What are the technology advantage of MOAC?

MOAC platform adopts advanced multi-layer architecture, uses sharding technology and original sub-chain technology to effectively improve speed and volume of transaction. It is a blockchain underlying platform that can truly deploy commercial applications.

4. What is the MOAC autonomous community official channel?

Wechat official account: MOAC202150DAO

Autonomous Community website:

5. What is MOAC Foundation?

The MOAC Blockchain is managed by the MOAC Foundation, a collaborative non-profit organization established in Singapore, and is responsible for the development of the MOAC platform (including the development of applications and related services), and the maintenance and support of multiple applications (including community public education activities).

6. What is the token of MOAC blockchain?


7. Where can I download the MOAC wallet?

You can use mobile Android and IOS wallets provided by third parties

8. Where can I trade MOAC?

MOAC currently trades primarily on two decentralized trading platforms, including:

a. Wei chain weidex, Download link, please copy to your browser :

b. Cookie cookieswap (Please copy the link and open it in the bottom — Discover — search box of TP Wallet)

9. What is the total number of MOAC token?

150 million tokens were created for the first time when MOAC went live; At present, MOAC Foundation and community locked up a total of 110 million MOAC.

10. What is the MOAC browser address?

11. Where can I download the MOAC White paper?

To be continued…

By MOAC Autonomous Community

Oct 2021



MOAC Autonomous Community

MOAC is a public blockchain platform designed with multilayer architecture to bring about the commercial application of blockchains.